Come and watch Juventus – Real Madrid Champions League Final with us! (03/06/17)

The long awaited day is coming soon. This is the day that our beloved team fought for throughout the whole season. This is the day that is earned by hard work, commitment and humility.

Dear Madridista mates!

As you know we are there in the final as the champions of last year!

We are one step away from the final success, the TWELFTH European trophy (this can be the first time the same team win it in a row). The hardest step that has to be taken for the biggest honour is yet to come!

This would not be possible without you, Madridistas, and your unconditional support!

The power of the fans, so the twelfth player of the team can push our beloved club to win the TWELFTH. Yes, as a real community. And as you all know this is one of the sources of that incredible mental strength that helped our team so many times. Let's show that we are able to form a group, a team and cheer for the final success. 

Madridistas! We rely on your unconditional support!

As many of you know we also came together last year. The atmosphere was awesome then. We felt that we were a part of the team's success, we altogether helped them to win 'La Undécima'. 


But we desire even more now! Let's show that we are the most determined, the best ones!

If you would like to live this incredible moment with the most magnificent fanbase… If you were also there and support this miraculous club when the team failed… If you also would like to show your madridismo… And last but not least if your heart pulses for the rythm of the club's anthem… then come and join us on the 3rd of June at 18:00! We are waiting for you in the Tüskecsarnok!


Location: Tüskecsarnok
Address: 1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 7.
Arrival: 18:00
Parking: In the underground car park of Tüskecsarnok 
Arrival by public transport:

  • Tram 4-6: Petőfi bridge, Budai Hídfő station, from the Magyar tudósok körútja
  • Underground 4: Újbuda-központ stop
  • Bus 153 and 212: Petőfi bridge, from Budai Hídfő station
  • Bus 33: from Budafoki út station

Stay tuned for updates. Thank you for you patience and understanding. You are the BEST!


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